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Application Server

The application in the /example folder demonstrates calling a net-level database server from an Express application server.

It demonstrates a netLevelRouter wrapping a module which provides connection management. While this is not necessarily how you would build an application, it does offer an quick way to begin interacting with LevelDB!

import netLevel from "./index";
import express from "express";

export const netLevelRouter = express.Router();

netLevelRouter.route("/get").get((req, res) => {
netLevel.get(req.query.base, req.query).then(
(value) => res.send(value),
(err) => res.send({ err })



cd example
yarn install
// or
npm install

Connection Parameters

A .env file is used to define connection parameterd. Set these values to point to a running net-level server, e.g.:


Start application server

node -r esm index.js -p 8880

Run client

In a new terminal window... ...or open the URLs in a browser tab.

curl -X GET --url "http://localhost:8880/db/set?base=sandbox&key=hello&value=universe"

curl -X GET --url "http://localhost:8880/db/get?base=sandbox&key=hello"

curl -X GET --url "http://localhost:8880/db/set?base=sandbox&key=hello&value=world"

curl -X GET --url "http://localhost:8880/db/get?base=sandbox&key=hello"